Ditto! There was a time when I could have rattled them all off, but not any more. There's no way I could have told you who the Mets manager is right now -- I stopped paying attention after the Beltran debacle, and assumed the new owner was just going to clean house.
Also, I have no idea who this "Chris Woodward" person is, and I'm pretty sure Craig made the whole thing up.
Ditto! There was a time when I could have rattled them all off, but not any more. There's no way I could have told you who the Mets manager is right now -- I stopped paying attention after the Beltran debacle, and assumed the new owner was just going to clean house.
Also, I have no idea who this "Chris Woodward" person is, and I'm pretty sure Craig made the whole thing up.
Ditto! There was a time when I could have rattled them all off, but not any more. There's no way I could have told you who the Mets manager is right now -- I stopped paying attention after the Beltran debacle, and assumed the new owner was just going to clean house.
Also, I have no idea who this "Chris Woodward" person is, and I'm pretty sure Craig made the whole thing up.