Ted Berg is a writer, eater and father living in New York City. This haphazardly maintained substack will help you find the things he writes, or help you avoid them.
It's TV+Culture from the former Chief TV Critic of The Hollywood Reporter and The San Francisco Chronicle. Film, books, music, etc. Writing multiple projects.
Pure storytelling, big and small. Jon Weisman hears voices (from the news, sports, music, pop culture and his own life, from the past to the present) and channels them to you.
Think of these as signatures, unbound. Thoughts, explanations, and screeds about the publishing industry by Anne Trubek, founder of Belt Publishing. For the bound version, pick up "So You Want To Publish A Book?" Belt Publishing, July 2020.
Strange Times is a day-by-day rereading of the 1921 New York Times—a free, twice-monthly reminder that the past was stranger than we think. This newsletter includes Strange Pulp, an irregular journal of weird fiction. Subscribe now and get both!
A newsletter that's pro-Big-Life-Changes. Creating a new life after 50, after marriage, after kids, after publishing, and after moving 11,000 times. So sick of learning and growing I could barf. Making you think, laugh, and feel. Sorry.