Six of one, half a dozen of the other. But for what it is worth, I'm more concerned with the conduct (knowingly allowing the atmosphere to fester & rehiring someone with knowledge of these issues) than I am the intemperate at best statements about the situation. The conduct, even without the statements, is worthy of termination.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other. But for what it is worth, I'm more concerned with the conduct (knowingly allowing the atmosphere to fester & rehiring someone with knowledge of these issues) than I am the intemperate at best statements about the situation. The conduct, even without the statements, is worthy of termination.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other. But for what it is worth, I'm more concerned with the conduct (knowingly allowing the atmosphere to fester & rehiring someone with knowledge of these issues) than I am the intemperate at best statements about the situation. The conduct, even without the statements, is worthy of termination.