I have to question why he has empty Pringles cans on hand so frequently to facilitate this particular fetish. And whether he’s considered that the clearly excessive consumption of Pringles might be contributing to his need to both poop and blow off steam so frequently.
I have to question why he has empty Pringles cans on hand so frequently to facilitate this particular fetish. And whether he’s considered that the clearly excessive consumption of Pringles might be contributing to his need to both poop and blow off steam so frequently.
I have to question why he has empty Pringles cans on hand so frequently to facilitate this particular fetish. And whether he’s considered that the clearly excessive consumption of Pringles might be contributing to his need to both poop and blow off steam so frequently.
That was my thought as well, he's eating way too many Pringles if he has that many empty cans on hand for whenever he wants to fling poop.