Also firing this stuff off and making it go through the courts is how some things are allowed to sit and be kind of law sometimes. Like how Kim Reynolds in Iowa banned mask mandates and it still took a minute for the courts to put a stay on them, and the impact on those mandates was chilling before it was decided like a year-plus later that the order was unconstitutional anyway. It works!
Agreed. You build popular support for overhauling a corrupt SCOTUS by forcing it to constantly delegitimize itself.
Also firing this stuff off and making it go through the courts is how some things are allowed to sit and be kind of law sometimes. Like how Kim Reynolds in Iowa banned mask mandates and it still took a minute for the courts to put a stay on them, and the impact on those mandates was chilling before it was decided like a year-plus later that the order was unconstitutional anyway. It works!