When I was 15, my cousin drove a Datsun 280ZX. Now there was an exciting ride! Of course since my parents had recently traded in the ‘77 Pinto wagon on Ford’s next sized up early ‘80s wagon ...
When I was 15, my cousin drove a Datsun 280ZX. Now there was an exciting ride! Of course since my parents had recently traded in the ‘77 Pinto wagon on Ford’s next sized up early ‘80s wagon ...
'69 Datsun 510 sedan, baby! Everything broke on it over time, after the ignition fritzed out, my brother rigged it so that we could start it with a switch, which eventually caused it to catch fire and burn up real good!
My dad had an old ‘65 Corvair convertible that just died one day… he was so heartbroken that I think he just went to the dealership and bought the first thing he saw - which was a bright orange Ford Pinto with golf pants plaid interior. That was the car I was allowed to drive… which certainly explains my hunger for *any* ride cooler than The Great Pumpkin.
Our Pinto was the extended wagon version. White exterior with the fake wood paneling. Brown vinyl seats. It had replaced a avocado green Vega that was totaled while parked. Yes, really.
When I was 15, my cousin drove a Datsun 280ZX. Now there was an exciting ride! Of course since my parents had recently traded in the ‘77 Pinto wagon on Ford’s next sized up early ‘80s wagon ...
'69 Datsun 510 sedan, baby! Everything broke on it over time, after the ignition fritzed out, my brother rigged it so that we could start it with a switch, which eventually caused it to catch fire and burn up real good!
My dad had an old ‘65 Corvair convertible that just died one day… he was so heartbroken that I think he just went to the dealership and bought the first thing he saw - which was a bright orange Ford Pinto with golf pants plaid interior. That was the car I was allowed to drive… which certainly explains my hunger for *any* ride cooler than The Great Pumpkin.
Our Pinto was the extended wagon version. White exterior with the fake wood paneling. Brown vinyl seats. It had replaced a avocado green Vega that was totaled while parked. Yes, really.
My dad had the exact same car. I'll admit to finding that sleek straight-six engine to be pretty cool.