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In my state, you can get a ticket for cruising in the left (passing!) lane. The mythos that the left lane is the fast lane instead of passing lane causes a fucketonne of problems. My favorite highway design is a 3 lane. Stay in the middle so that it's easy for cars to enter and exit, and only use the left lane to pass.
┬й 2025 Craig Calcaterra
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In my state, you can get a ticket for cruising in the left (passing!) lane. The mythos that the left lane is the fast lane instead of passing lane causes a fucketonne of problems. My favorite highway design is a 3 lane. Stay in the middle so that it's easy for cars to enter and exit, and only use the left lane to pass.
That would be perfect. If I'm on a highway with more than 2 lanes, and it's a long stretch before I need to exit, I always getnin the 2nd from right. I don't drive too fast and that way people can pass on my left but the rightmost lane is clear for merging and exiting cars.
One of the happiest moments I had as a driver was when I watched a guy going 60 in a 65 in the far left lane for miles with a cop behind him before the lights went on and he was pulled over. And I hope it was a ticket and not just a warning.
Knew someone who got ticketed fairly shortly after she got her license. She was moving along in the left lane, passing cars in the next lane, when a cop came up behind her. She slowed down to the speed limit, but since she was going slower than the next lane, she couldn't get over. Expensive way to find out that cops don't care what you do as long as you're moving with traffic.