I can 100% provide evidence for the sibling thing. Brother and I grew up loving baseball. I stunk and made teams based on effort alone. He spent all his time playing ball with myself and my friends, and as a result of that competition starred in HS and was a four year starter in college.

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Oh and I can provide evidence in my own life for the writing thing too. I've long believed that I don't write for others, I write for my own enjoyment and if others happen to like what I've written, that's a bonus.

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(I think that way too)

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I think that's true for every job on the planet. Even the "helper" jobs like doctor or teacher. If you don't like it you'll be terrible at it, no matter how much you convince yourself you want to do good. Also applies to jobs where the purpose is money or glamour.

I think a lot of people become writers because they like the image of being a writer rather than the process.

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My younger brother is about as bad at sports as I am, though unlike me he can ride a bike. (I would suggest, Craig, that our shared Ashkenazic Jewish DNA hasn't helped our athletic talents, but that is probably not true. If there aren't a lot of great Jewish athletes, it's probably because of nurture instead of nature in a society that values education over sports, with notable exceptions like Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax. But it's fair to say I don't have any of their talent.)

I wonder where my wife and I come on the vaccination priority list. I am over 50, on the border between overweight and "obese" and need high blood pressure meds. My wife is obese and borderline diabetic but under 50. I think that maybe she would be more likely to get permission for the first go-round than me, but I will have see what Cuomo and his people say. (As I was typing this, I heard that Cuomo is worried a lot of New Yorkers will not want to be vaccinated and is planning to start a "get the vaccine" campaign. I hope it works.) Anyway, my mom is clearly in the January group, and that is very good and will be a load off all our minds.

The Mets are bringing back Steven Matz at a fairly low and utterly unguaranteed salary. Given his awful 2020 season, this is reasonable. I really hope he can find his old self to some degree, but 2015 is long way back from here.

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Fellow NY'er here - hope you and your wife are able to get the vaccine ASP and I hope your mom is able to get it as soon as she should. Good luck and stay safe.

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Hoping you get a vaccine as quickly as possible!

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I think about the "Jews are bad at sports" thing and it doesn't make sense from a DNA prspective, when Israel has one of the best armies in the world. And created fertile farms in the desert using a bunch of idealistic college kids farming by hand on communes. We create such a huge gulf between being athletic and being sporty.

The vaccine schedule worries me. I can't believe we're at a point where we're all ok with someone's weight affecting whether they get a vaccine.

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I have seen articles that suggest I am at higher risk because I am overweight, and articles that say this is bull, and articles that say that women are not at higher risk if "obese" when men are. No one is really sure. Honestly, if someone is willing to give use the vaccine sooner and there is legit reason, I will take that opportunity. But it's clear there is a lot of crap science about being overweight (along with some legit science). Never mind sizeism.

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There were farms there before, the 50s and 60s were going to modernize regardless.

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I think that much of the higher representation of certain minorities in sports can explained by poverty levels in their communities (sports can be an avenue to escape poverty).

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I am wondering if I am law enforcement. Although...https://twitter.com/KION546/status/1334223253192183822

Anyway, My three anecdotes are m family my sisters and mine, and the yongest is always the best athlete, but they are always also the bigger child too. And my kid who is the best athlete, his mother's family is an unbroken chain of middle and eastern european jew and is quite quite good at all sports.

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New York's draft vaccine priority, released in October....


(Skip to page 32 for the actual priority)

...which may or may not change based on the final CDC recommendations, seems to me would have both you and your wife in Phase 3 of the 5 phases. The over/under 50 seems irrelevant, but your wife sounds like a Phase 3 based on obesity and I'm guessing you'd get in on that too with a little work on your parts. I assume it'll be your doctor determines whether you are high risk, and assuming NY accepts the CDC recommendation that obesity is high risk I can't imagine any doctor not giving their borderline obese patient clearance to get the vaccine. They want to help their patients.

The trouble I see is those of us who are better off will have an easier time clearing the hurdle of getting your doctor to authorize a vaccination than a poor person without a regular doctor. A vaccination location in a drug store isn't going to be able to make the determination that your eligible because you have high blood pressure or diabetes or asthma or whatever. It's going to have to go through your regular doctor. Which will no doubt result in an additional huge workload for the doctors providing those clearances.

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Jesus Kyle, thank you.

I literally didn't sleep last night because it hit me how unprepared I am for the segment of the CPA exam I'm taking at the end of the month, and how I wasted the last two.5 weeks not studying, even though I really, really needed to.

But you know what? I'm 100% confident today will be spent better than yesterday.

Tomorrow? Eh. I should probably find my own source of motivation for tomorrow. But thanks for giving me the push to calm down, make a pot of coffee, and settle in for today. I really appreciate it.

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you're welcome patrick! what section are you taking? i think i was most nervous about AUD, which ended up being the only section i failed. but the worst that happened was me having to retake it, and then i passed. you got this!

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I've got FAR, which is actually my first one. Already pushed it as far back as I could, with the Covid delay, and I'm better prepared than I would have been in early September, but not by much.

I've got a schedule up now though, so that's something (Better than yesterday!). Really the key is just sitting down and doing the work. I've got a 70 retention brain paired with a 20 focus brain, and they don't average out nearly as often as I'd like.

But your segment really did help. Thank you for that and for the encouragement.

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Thanks for the lovely guest post, Kyle.

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no, thank you!

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I'm looking forward to the updated Godfather 3. I actually rewatched it just a few days ago and I didn't think it was too bad, so I'm interested to see what Coppola does with it.

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"The rest is just... documents"

As an adoptee who constantly has to explain that psychology matters so much more than biology to the uninformed -- the people who use the term "real parents" in a conversation about adoption -- I really appreciate that sentiment.

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Real parents? Really? How insulting to the people who raised you and did the work!!!!!

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I've spent my life saying "no-I do know my real parents. They just didn't do the fun stuff to get me".

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Reading about your family history from your blog, you said "That may not have been as sketchy as my great-whatever grandfather arbitraging the Black Plague...." From what little I've read about the Black Plague, many of the serfs who survived leveraged the decrease in supply of laborers who could work the land. Wages went up (which the Crown tried to legislate against, leading to protests and riots), and some of the nobles had to sell off a lot of their lands to their former serfs to pay debts to nobles higher in the feudal chain. So your family helped end feudalism! And since the serfs mostly spoke English and the nobles (and members of the clergy, who died off more due to lots of community transmission) mostly spoke French, English became the dominant language in England shortly thereafter. So good for them, depending on your views of the rise of urbanism, the middle class, merchants, and ultimately capitalism, imperialism, and the global hegemony of the English language.

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I saw Today will be better than yesterday open for Industrial Shithouse at Wembley.

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I Googled "Industrial Shithouse at Wembley" to see if that's a meme, or just a meme here. As far as I can tell it's only a CoC meme. We have our own meme!

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If you have to Google it, you weren't there.

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Oh, I most definitely am not cool enough to have been there.

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Coppola may be allowed a mulligan. Zach Snyder (he of the, "I just need $70 million for reshoots for the movie that I said was already in the can," fame) is not. I already HAVE the service it will be released on and I'm STILL not even glancing in its direction.

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Snyder ruined Superman for me and I cannot tell you how difficult that is to do.

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Greg Maddux is obviously the better player because he had to play against me in T-ball. Or maybe it was my superior leadership playing beside me. We were in the same league at Torrejon AFB in Spain in 74/75 - not that I have any actual memory of a kid named Greg Maddux. My mom has a team photo but none of the kids are an obvious 6/7-year-old Greg Maddux.

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The glasses aren't a giveaway?

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The only good part of being an asthmatic? Jumping the vaccine line but I have legit concerns about the vaccine and its side effects that no one seems to really be addressing in favor of relentless cheerleading.

I don’t think the guy who put 2 year olds in cages and attacked women and insulted a Gold Star family really has empathy high on his list of traits. Trump is so unabashedly antebellum say the silent parts out loud damn the consequences to anyone else that I will buy everyone in this bar a round (post COVID) if he has ever experienced a moment if empathy!

Also a nice guest post from a fellow Badger!!!!

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go badgers imo

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I've always wanted to write, but my anxieties usually put the kibosh on anything meaningful. I even have the title of a blog in mind - it's a play on the title of a popular book - and, to this day, it's STILL not taken by anyone that I can find when I do a search. FWIW I'm not afraid of failure or anything, it's just that I'm incredibly disorganized and I'd start it but then it would just die when I became distracted by something else in my life. Maybe I just don't think I'm that interesting. I CAN be witty here and there.

As to the Godfather III plot issue you raise, I'd argue that the Vatican is DEFINITELY more evil than the Mob. Any organization that protected priests violating children definitely gets the nod. The Mob would have had a field day executing anyone they found involved in THAT scheme, and I'm pretty sure many a blind eye would have been turned. Wouldn't THAT have been a storyline.

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In answering Steve Cohen's question, I like David Dahl as the most interesting non-tender. Yeah, he's an injury guy. And yeah, Coors Field. But I think he can hit.

This observation is of no use to Cohen though since the Mets already have too many LF/DH type guys on their roster.

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Yogi Berra and Mark Twain have got to be the top two people having false quotes attributed to them based on the quote sounding like something they would say.

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Having spent a lot of time on the internet, I'd say it's by far George Carlin. In a truly hilarious way where the false quotes attributed to him are the complete full opposite of his public persona. Voltaire is also popular. Just one quote but it's very consistently attributed to him.

Einstein and Bill Gates don't get the false quotes so much but they appear in the false stories.

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Yogisms are fun, that's why I suspect

I have a beef with that article though. It's a lexis nexis search for that phrase, and that's all well and good. But I don't think the politician who said it was the first to phrase it that way. By that time it had been said over the airwaves and repeated in bars many many times. It was very familiar , which is why he used it.

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The NYT article says the obese will be included in the Phase 2 group as a vulnerable population, along with those over 65. That's going to be a huge group considering 40% of Americans qualify as obese, and the non-obese over 65 will add to that number. It seems to me they should have narrowed down priorities within that group rather than just have 150 million people in a free for all. Unless they think they'll have enough vaccine for 150M or so people at that date, which I doubt.

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Dec 3, 2020
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I think the some will change their minds once the early vaccinated don't drop dead. Not all, but some.

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Given the link between obesity and poverty, as well as race, that would mean poor minorities get it before healthy white rich people. Wonder how that will affect things.

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It may not happen as much as you think if poor minorities need a approval from their doctor to get on the priority list as an at-risk person and they don't have a doctor.

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Yogi Berra: "Half of the things I said, I never said."

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