While we're at it, let's take a few guys out of the Hall, starting w Cap Anson.

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the "both sides" crowd will be happy when he gets in, not *just* b/c of the "W,"

but importantly it pushes the "normalcy" of the things he espouses, and allows those who discount it with phrases like

"diarrhea of the mouth" to say, "see, it's *just* politics!

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Craig busting out the old law school skills for this one. SEE MA I DIDN'T WASTE ALL THAT MONEY!

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Schilling is human garbage. He should lose every baseball job. The Hall isn't about that. Personally, I think everyone should speak at length about how Schilling is human garbage. The announcement should be about how human garbage had good enough pitching stats and is human garbage. He goes in the Hall, he remains human garbage, other members of the baseball community treat him as such, we aggressively point out when he does things like advocate for the murder or journalists.

I get Craig's point. The world is loaded with garbage people and we're rarely able to punish them. Every Trump supporting Republican is thriving. Now here's one, whom we have the very rare occasion to actually suffer and we want to take it. But it won't solve anything. If the left could actually hurt the right, damage the right, there wouldn't be a need to go after Schilling being in the Hall.

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I disagree with your opinion, though not with any of the substance. In fact, I have nothing of value to add to the discussion. Bye!

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Guaranteed he'll one day join hall of failed video game developers.

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I take pride in the fact that Curt is the only famous person I'm blocked by on Twitter.

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Wow, not even a mention of 38 Studios and his defrauding the state out of $75M in loans.

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Totally agree. No platform or societal recognition for fascists. None.

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Hall Of Famer Curt Schilling would most certainly become Candidate Curt Schilling, and that alone is enough for me to say no.

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Well, I was skeptical about this this AM, but you’ve convinced me. Although I would bet he makes it, partly for the celebrity his hate has brought him, it will be detrimental to the Hall & The Game.

With reference to Pete Rose, who made his bed in the Bart Giamatti deal, Schilling’s sins are more numerous and quite a few degrees worse than gambling, even on your own games.

He abuses his celebrity regularly & continuously.

Blood on his sock, notwithstanding.

I hope your column becomes contentious & viral; when it does, he will make the case for you, and against his own candidacy.

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I don't think you'll be able to forget the man exists for the rest of your years, because when he is voted into the HoF you'll presumably feel obligated to mention it in your newsletter. And it would take great strength of will to ignore and not mention the next vile thing he does as well.

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I'm confused by Craig's statement that his 'no' vote on the theoretical HOF ballot isn't because of the character clause then followed by a detailed exploration of Schilling's character defects. Since Schilling is - purely as a player - qualified but as a person repugnant, it seems like a perfect example of the use of that clause.

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Will you also withhold support of those who condone the murder of police officers?

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You've certainly given me much to think about, but I will say: Curt Schilling is a complicated figure. If we consider what Schilling was like as a ballplayer: he's among the few players to win the Roberto Clemente, Lou Gehrig, Branch Rickey and the Huch Award. All awards for character and community service. Schilling gave enormous amounts of his time to causes, including ALS, cancer and other causes. After 9/11 Schilling went out of his way to support the city writing:

My first cognizant thought was, “Man, did they pick on the wrong country.” Then, after watching TV, I began to realize that not only did they pick on the wrong country, but they couldn’t have picked a worse target. There is no city on this planet that more represents its nation than New York does in the United States. New York is the true definition of a melting pot. Every race, religion and color are represented in New York, and on Tuesday you saw every race, every religion, every color come together as one nation of people fighting for one common goal — to save lives. I can honestly tell you that I have never been as proud to be an American as I was that day.

None of which excuses Schilling the extremist provocateur. I will not pretend anyone must support him, and for what he became after he ended his career. Not that it matters: but Schilling would not be the worst human being in the Hall of Fame, and I don't think it's particularly close. I further believe baseball writers never fairly applied the character clause, which is what you're doing here regardless of your protestations to the contrary.

For me, I find Schilling the provocateur, political activist, and show host as deplorable a human I've ever read about. Schilling the baseball player? Almost nobody like him, that Schilling belongs in the Hall of Fame, and it's that person I would suggest we honor when he's inducted.

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Yeah, even allowing the “joking” defense a moment of oxygen is a moment more than I will tolerate.

He can go say his 14 words on Parler.

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