I'm assuming the Kansas state legislature is solidly red. If that's the case, even though the voters rejected the abortion ban, is this one of those things where the Kansas GOP can just say F it and ignore that result and enact the legislation anyway? Hasn't it become the GOP's thing at the state level to just outright ignore anything that is directly voted on by citizens when they don't like the results? I feel like this has happened with direct votes concerning gerrymandering (and maybe some other items) in places like Ohio, Wisconsin, and maybe North Carolina?

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I mean, they just got what a lot of people are considering a wake-up call from the voters of their state. They could try on the assumption that the voters will vote differently when it is people on the ballot instead of a question, but that could be seen as risky right now.

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It's hard to tell. It could be that when isolated on its own as it was in this vote, people are in favor of it. But when put into election where it's just one of many issues, it just isn't the issue drives the decision. Even acknowledging that there are a significant number of one issue voters for whom abortion is that one issue.

Or maybe the voters who turn out for the Kansas vote are only those for whom the abortion question is a huge issue, and it doesn't reflect the feelings of the greater public who will show up in the general election.

It's good news as far as it goes, but I'm reluctant to read too much into it at this point.

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The Kansas ballot was hijacked by suicidal fetuses!

(Well, you don't have to be any stupider to believe that than you have to be to believe anything Tucker Carlson says.)

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I saw Suicidal Fetuses open for...

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Johnny Rotten?

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WHERE? I must know where!

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MLB Vodka. LOL, what an article. I just imagine Lyle Lanley evading security and busting into Manfred's office, singing a song or two and slinking out with a signed contract. Ooh, crypto included, too! Where do I sign?

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RE: Batgirl - my understanding is, since they're using it as a tax write-off ("They just write it off, Jerry!") they can't monetize it in any way, so not only no movie release, no direct-to-video release, no physical media release and even no streaming release. They basically can't make a dollar from it and still write it off, I suppose. So down the memory hole it goes.

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I'd like to use my long dormant aerospace engineering background to point out that humid air is less dense than dry air (molecular weight of water is 18, whereas air is around 29), so balls will travel farther in humid air since there will be less resistance. Unless, of course, the air is saturated and droplets start forming mist or fog. That will probably slow the ball down.

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This MLB booze thing kinda smells like that weird 76ers/Color Star deal that Defector's been covering

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I will never forgive you for that theme song

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Craig, your dad reminds me of my paternal grandfather. The main difference being that he'd have actually just worn a shirt that said, "What the hell do I know? I'm retired!" so he could get a few laughs and not have to answer any questions (that were already answered by the shirt).

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After losing the last three games by a total of four runs I am not looking forward to the obvious reflections on the Brewers trading Hader to the Padres. It doesn't feel good right now

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Probably too late for anyone to see, but can we stop with the "boras makes his clients" nonsense. They hire him. The client is running the operation. the client wants a better offer.

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